Below you will find some helpful tips for finding key features and information on our web site. Once again, thank you for your business and utilizing our web site.
>> Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find key Markets?
There is now a new page called Futures Markets that contains most all of the industries Future Prices – click here to go directly to the page. Or you can visit Portfolio to track your own Commodities, Stocks and Mutual Funds. By the way, if you are not familiar with how quotes appear on DTN, keep in mind that a quote that says “3512“ is equivalent to “351-2”.
Can I see local animated radar?
Absolutely. The quickest way to get there is to click on the Weather tab and then click into your specific area of interest on the National Radar. You can also animate the radar and use the zoom feature to get even more localized. As a side note, you will notice quickly that our new weather is far more accurate - especially when it comes to precipitation forecasting. We now how access to many more weather locations through DTN to provide more precise information.
Market Commentary is important to me, where can I find it now?
Market commentary is covered in detail by going to the new page called Market News. On this page you will find Early Morning, Midday and Closing Comments for Livestock and Grains. In addition, you will find brief commentary updated throughout the day that is part of the DTN Market Matters Blog - a blog that gives insight into the hottest market topics in the Ag as seen through the eyes of DTN Experts.
What are the DTN Blogs?
DTN has employed many of their industry experts to write on the hottest topics in Ag, allowing you to interact with these experts and give your opinions on their topics - whether you agree or disagree with their insight. If you’re someone who likes to share your thoughts, give it a try, or just read what others are saying about Ethanol, Markets, Agronomy, etc. You will see that DTN quickly responds to your post. This allows us to continue to offer you more industry coverage from the largest newsroom in Ag on the topics that directly impact your business.
What if I can’t find something on the new Web site that I liked on the old one?
We recognize that there are and will be changes to our new web site, but please be assured that we will do our best to continue to add new information and features. In the mean time, please check out some of our many new features and stay tuned as we continue to work with our new hosting company DTN. Thank you for your patience and your business.
Who can I contact if I need help with the new Web Site?
If you aren’t finding the answer you are looking for on this page, feel free to email DTN directly at, or you can always call us. Your business is very important to us.
Enjoy the new Web site and keep watching for upcoming enhancements as we continuously strive to serve you better.